
Acts gives MBMB the authority to legislate and implement the By-Laws in the 277 sq km administration area.

Acts adopted by MBMB:

No Acts
1 Local Government Act (Act 171) 1976
  • This act outlines the local government's format, organisational structure, roles and responsibilities comprehensively. The responsibilities in the town and country planning affairs.
2 Street, Drainage and Building Act (Act 133)
  • This act on the other hand illustrates various roles of the local government relating to drainage, maintenance of municipal roads as well as public buildings. Apart from those three acts mentioned, a few other laws including by-laws have been legislated and enforced to facilitate in simplifying the operations of the local government.
3 Town And Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172)
  • This act is enacted to overcome the shortcomings of the land utilisation planning in the local areas. Act 172 places the main responsibility as the local level physical planner on the local government.
4 Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 (Act 154)
  • An act to provide for the destruction and control of disease-bearing insects and for the medical examination and treatment of persons suffering from insect-borne diseases and for matters connected therewith.
5 Food Act 1983 (Act 281)
  • A law to protect the public against health hazards and fraud in the preparation, sale and use of food, and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
6 Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333)
  • An act to make provision for the regulation of motor vehicles and of traffic on roads and other matters with respect to roads and vehicles thereon; to make provision for the protection of third parties against risks arising out of the use of motor vehicles; to make provision for the co-ordination and control of means of facilities for transport; to make provision for the co-ordination and control of means of and facilities for construction and adaptation of motor vehicles; and to make provision for connected purposes.
7 Rent Control Act 1976 (Act 363)
8 Distress Act 1951 (Act 255)
9 Food Regulations 1985

Frequently Compounded Offences:

There are various offences which are subject to be compounded, but the frequently compounded ones are:

No Offences
1 Litter - Littering public places
2 Obstruction - Obstructing by placing items
3 Trading or peddling without licence
4 Not complying the requirements of business licence
5 Not wearing apron or head cover during food handling
6 Carrying out something which causes disruption

Do you know what is a public place?

A public place covers:

No Public Places
1 Streets and lanes
2 Parks/ flower gardens / playgrounds
3 Fountain areas
4 Traffic Islands
5 Rivers and River banks
6 Public places of interest
7 Public walkways
The by-laws for Melaka Historic City Council is legislated by the Legal Division namely:
No Bylaws
1 Warehouses By-Laws (MPMT) 1979
2 Compounding of Offences By-Laws(MPMT) 1982
3 Food Handlers By-Laws (MPMT) 1982
4 Massage Parlours By-Laws (MPMT) 1982
5 Compounding of Offences By-Laws (MPMT) (Amendment) Local 1982
6 Markets By-Laws (MPMT) 1982
7 Earthworks By-Laws (MPMT) 1982
8 Parks By-Laws (MPMT) 1983
9 Advertisement By-Laws (MPMT) 1983
10 Public Hygiene By-Laws (MPMT) 1983
11 Barber Shops &Hairdressers By-Laws (MPMT) 1983
12 Motorcycle  Garage  Licence Fee By-Laws (MPMT) 1984
13 Wood Stores & Woodworks By-Laws (MPMT) 1984
14 Licensing of Private Parking By-Laws (MPMT) 1984
15 Licensing of Dogs  By-Laws (MPMT) 1984
16 Licensing of Trades, Businesses & Industries By-Laws (MPMT) 1984
17 Controlling & Monitoring of Food Premises By-Laws (MPMT) 1985
18 Poultry Farming  By-Laws (MPMT) 1985
19 Hawkers By-Laws (MPMT) 1985
20 Municipal Hall By-Laws (MPMT) 1985
21 Bovine Control By-laws  (MPMT) 1987
22 Premise Name By-Laws(MPMT) 1988
23 Cinemas & Public Entertainment Premises By-Laws (MPMBB), 1987
24 Rest Houses By-Laws (MPMBB) 1987
25 Night/Daily Markets  By-Laws (MPMBB) 1989
26 Election By-Laws (MPMBB) 1990
27 Public Toilet By-Laws (MPMBB) 1990
28 Vandalism By-Laws (MPMBB) 1991
29 Multipurpose Hall Rental Regulations (MPMT) 1986
  • Entertainment and Locations of Entertainment Enactment 2001

Graha Makmur, No.1,
Jalan Tun Abdul Razak - Ayer Keroh,
Hang Tuah Jaya,
75450 Melaka, Malaysia.

Monday - Friday

General Line : +606 285 9700
Hotline : +606 333 3333
Complaint Line : +6013 302 9700 (Whatsapp only)
Fax : +606 232 5716
Email : webmaster[at]mbmb[dot]gov[dot]my

  • Latest Update : Thursday 02 November 2023, 07:28:17.

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