Acts gives MBMB the authority to legislate and implement the By-Laws in the 277 sq km administration area.
Acts adopted by MBMB:
No | Acts |
1 | Local Government Act (Act 171) 1976
2 | Street, Drainage and Building Act (Act 133)
3 | Town And Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172)
4 | Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 (Act 154)
5 | Food Act 1983 (Act 281)
6 | Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333)
7 | Rent Control Act 1976 (Act 363) |
8 | Distress Act 1951 (Act 255) |
9 | Food Regulations 1985 |
Frequently Compounded Offences:
There are various offences which are subject to be compounded, but the frequently compounded ones are:
No | Offences |
1 | Litter - Littering public places |
2 | Obstruction - Obstructing by placing items |
3 | Trading or peddling without licence |
4 | Not complying the requirements of business licence |
5 | Not wearing apron or head cover during food handling |
6 | Carrying out something which causes disruption |
Do you know what is a public place?
A public place covers:
No | Public Places |
1 | Streets and lanes |
2 | Parks/ flower gardens / playgrounds |
3 | Fountain areas |
4 | Traffic Islands |
5 | Rivers and River banks |
6 | Public places of interest |
7 | Public walkways |
The by-laws for Melaka Historic City Council is legislated by the Legal Division namely:
No | Bylaws |
1 | Warehouses By-Laws (MPMT) 1979 |
2 | Compounding of Offences By-Laws(MPMT) 1982 |
3 | Food Handlers By-Laws (MPMT) 1982 |
4 | Massage Parlours By-Laws (MPMT) 1982 |
5 | Compounding of Offences By-Laws (MPMT) (Amendment) Local 1982 |
6 | Markets By-Laws (MPMT) 1982 |
7 | Earthworks By-Laws (MPMT) 1982 |
8 | Parks By-Laws (MPMT) 1983 |
9 | Advertisement By-Laws (MPMT) 1983 |
10 | Public Hygiene By-Laws (MPMT) 1983 |
11 | Barber Shops &Hairdressers By-Laws (MPMT) 1983 |
12 | Motorcycle  Garage  Licence Fee By-Laws (MPMT) 1984 |
13 | Wood Stores & Woodworks By-Laws (MPMT) 1984 |
14 | Licensing of Private Parking By-Laws (MPMT) 1984 |
15 | Licensing of Dogs  By-Laws (MPMT) 1984 |
16 | Licensing of Trades, Businesses & Industries By-Laws (MPMT) 1984 |
17 | Controlling & Monitoring of Food Premises By-Laws (MPMT) 1985 |
18 | Poultry Farming  By-Laws (MPMT) 1985 |
19 | Hawkers By-Laws (MPMT) 1985 |
20 | Municipal Hall By-Laws (MPMT) 1985 |
21 | Bovine Control By-laws  (MPMT) 1987 |
22 | Premise Name By-Laws(MPMT) 1988 |
23 | Cinemas & Public Entertainment Premises By-Laws (MPMBB), 1987 |
24 | Rest Houses By-Laws (MPMBB) 1987 |
25 | Night/Daily Markets  By-Laws (MPMBB) 1989 |
26 | Election By-Laws (MPMBB) 1990 |
27 | Public Toilet By-Laws (MPMBB) 1990 |
28 | Vandalism By-Laws (MPMBB) 1991 |
29 | Multipurpose Hall Rental Regulations (MPMT) 1986 |
- Entertainment and Locations of Entertainment Enactment 2001