
No Function
1 Planning city development continuously and strengthen city functions as cultural center, commercial, education and administration.
2 Make Malacca an advanced city.
3 Generate economic activities through commercial planning, industrial, tourism and financial sector through integrated licensing policy.
4 Make Malacca as a 'Garden Inner City' by planting trees and flowers in public long way and area with design furniture, road lighting and pavement perfectly and orderly.
5 Ensure healthy and clean life by monitoring solid waste disposal, sewage system and grass cutting perfectly and orderly.
6 Build and maintain infrastructure development to fulfill social claim and improve people's standard of living and tourists.
7 Planning, coordinate and implementing programmes and social activities in effort promoting unite and harmonic's plural society.

Graha Makmur, No.1,
Jalan Tun Abdul Razak - Ayer Keroh,
Hang Tuah Jaya,
75450 Melaka, Malaysia.

Monday - Friday

General Line : +606 285 9700
Hotline : +606 333 3333
Complaint Line : +6013 302 9700 (Whatsapp only)
Fax : +606 232 5716
Email : webmaster[at]mbmb[dot]gov[dot]my

  • Latest Update : Thursday 02 November 2023, 07:28:17.

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