The problems of solid wastes disposal have become more significant lately. The latest statistics shows that the average solid waste per resident in Malaysia is 250 kg per year. From that amount, only 2% is recycled whereas the remainder is buried in landfills or dumped illegally.
Melaka Historic City Council is the first organisation in Malaysia to set up a controlled solid waste disposal site for its municipal wastes and toxic wastes from the industrial areas.
The Location of Solid Wastes Disposal Site
The proposed solid wastes disposal site at Lot 1771, Mukim Krubong has an area of 21.71 hectares and is located approximately 14 km from the city of Malacca through Kampung Cheng Kampung Krubong road. Almost all of it is a lowland filled with nipa-acacia swamp. On its west side, approximately 2.5 hectares have been cleared and the area has been in operation since February 1993.

Disposal Site Design
The design of the disposal site is a reservoir where no gases or effluents produced could seep into the adjacent areas or underground water systems. To achieve this, the base of the site will be lined with a combination of synthetic and natural layers. This is because the soft soil under the surface could naturally causes ‘cracks' on natural layers like clay.
A combination of natural clay and a geo-membrane of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) will produce layers suitable to prevent discharge of effluents or gases from the site. A total of 9 cells have been prepared for garbage disposal with each of them expected to have a lifespan of 1 year.
To facilitate the discharge of gases and effluents, the effluents collected in wells will be pumped into a lagoon for treatment before being channelled into the drainage system. The commonly used technique here is herring-bone system as the different sedimentation levels expected at the softer part under the surface will cause it to be ineffective.
To minimise the problem of excessive sedimentation, the most economical solution is to combine a layer of Geotextile Fabric with a bamboo raftmatrix for the base of the site. This will also improve the movement of vehicles and heavy machineries at the initial stages of every cell.
To prevent flood waters from Malacca River from entering the disposal site, a 5 meter high embankment will be required around the site. The same embankment may also be used as a connector between the different cells. The embankment is also irrigated to facilitate the flow of water from the dump site.
The disposal site will form a dome at the end of the operation to minimise the amount of effluents flowing into the site. The targeted volume of the site is 1.32 million square meters, sufficient for a period of 8 years.
Initially, an open lagoon was initially proposed for treatment of effluents and at the same time, the collection of data on the quality and quantity of the substances in the effluents could be collected and analysed. At the second phase, additional treatment specifically designed for the substances in the effluents produced could be conducted.
The final step is to cover the wastes with waterproof clay, followed by sand drains, and finally covered with a turf.