The Car Parking Unit provides the Car Parking Bay Rental and Monthly Passes Purchase services.
Bay Rental
The purpose of car parking bay rental is to facilitate customers in parking their cars at any required time. The rented plots will be reserved for the renter and the DIKOSONGKAN (VACATED) signboards will be placed on the reserved plots.
Sign boards
You may personally approach the office to fill in the form. Submit the completed forms together with the payment.
Rental Procedures
You can come to the office to fill in some forms.Submit the completed form along with the payment.
Rental of Parking Bays Permitted
- Private Clinics
- Car Accessories and Service Shops
- Tourist and Car Sales Shops
Payment rates
Rental of a plot per month is RM 157.50 (exclude of 6% gst charge). Deposit per sign board is RM 300.00.
Responsibility of the Renter
- Must take good care of the signboard during rental period.
- Damages and losses of signboards must be replaced.